Sophos’ Cloud Security Solution, Cloud Optix, is Also Recognised

OXFORD, U.K.  — Junho 22, 2020 —

Sophos, a global leader in next-generation cybersecurity, has been awarded Best Security Company by SC Awards Europe 2020, an annual industry accolade by SC Media. In a further recognition, Sophos’ cloud security solution, Cloud Optix, was Highly Commended in the Best Cloud Computing Security Solution category.

The SC Awards aim to promote best practice in the cybersecurity industry. Explaining their decision to award Sophos Best Security Company, the judges remarked that Sophos is:

  • “Recognised as a ‘worldwide leader’”
  • “Obviously gold-standard”
  • “Well established security company with strong offerings”

Sophos is the only security vendor maintaining leadership in network and endpoint security with its powerful, centrally managed next-generation Intercept X Advanced with EDR and XG Firewall solutions. On June 9, 2020, it launched the latest upgrade to EDR, introducing significant advancements that make it faster and easier than ever before for security analysts to identify and neutralize evasive threats and for IT administrators to proactively maintain secure IT operations to reduce attack risks.

Sophos Cloud Optix delivers complete, continuous and intelligent visibility into what’s going on in public cloud environments and enables IT security teams to identify and protect all their assets across AWS, Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud Platform environments via a single console. 
In highly commending Cloud Optix, the SC Award judges noted that it offers:

  • “Complete, continuous visibility, ROI calculator”
  • “Scalable solution with good coverage”
  • “Collaboration through a trusted network of partners which gives customers greater flexibility”

“To keep pace with increasingly advanced cyber attackers, targeting multiple entry points and learning how to live off the land and bypass detection, is a challenge facing the entire security industry. We are delighted to be recognized for our achievements in arming IT professionals with the innovative and highly effective next-generation cybersecurity solutions they need to combat such threats,” said Dan Schiappa, chief product officer at Sophos. “Everyone at Sophos is deeply committed to helping organizations stay one step ahead of cybercriminals.”

Sophos offers free trials and instant demonstrations of its leading next-generation security products, including Cloud Optix, Intercept X and XG Firewall.

Further details of the SC Awards Europe 2020 can be found at

Sobre a Sophos

A Sophos é líder mundial em soluções inovadoras e avançadas em segurança que defendem contra ataques cibernéticos, incluindo o serviço MDR (Managed Detection and Response) e serviços de resposta a incidentes, além de um amplo portfólio de tecnologias de segurança de endpoint, rede, e-mail e nuvem. Uma das maiores provedoras globais pure-play de segurança cibernética, a Sophos se incumbe da defesa de mais de 600.000 organizações e de mais de 100 milhões de usuários contra adversários ativos, ransomwares, phishing, malwares e outros ataques. Os produtos e serviços da Sophos são interconectados através do painel de gerenciamento do Sophos Central e administrados pelo Sophos X-Ops, a unidade de inteligência de ameaças da empresa que oferece abrangência entre domínios. A inteligência do Sophos X-Ops otimiza todo o ecossistema de segurança cibernética adaptativa da Sophos, que inclui um Data Lake centralizado que se utiliza de um rico acervo de APIs abertas disponíveis para clientes, parceiros, desenvolvedores e outros fornecedores de cibersegurança e tecnologia da informação. A Sophos oferece Cybersecurity as a Service para as organizações que necessitam de soluções de segurança gerenciada. O cliente também pode gerenciar a sua própria segurança cibernética, utilizando a plataforma de operações de segurança da Sophos, ou operar seguindo uma abordagem híbrida para complementar suas equipes internas com os serviços da Sophos, como a caça e remediação de ameaças. A venda de produtos e serviços da Sophos é feita por parceiros revendedores e provedores de serviços gerenciados (MSP) em todo o mundo. A Sophos está sediada em Oxford, no Reino Unido. Mais informações se encontram disponíveis no site