Sophos Endpoint Recognized for Enabling MSPs to Effectively Defend Customers Against Today’s Complex Cyberattacks

OXFORD, U.K. — Aprile 9, 2024 —

Sophos, a global leader of innovative security solutions that defeat cyberattacks, today announced that Sophos Endpoint has won Best Managed Service Provider (MSP) Solution in SE Labs Annual Security Awards 2024. As a channel-first, channel-best company, the award validates Sophos’ commitment to helping MSPs deliver superior cybersecurity outcomes for their customers amid constantly evolving threats.

The SE Labs Annual Security Awards assess security vendors based on a combination of continual public testing, private assessments and feedback from corporate clients. The first-of-its-kind Best MSP Solution award recognizes the critical role of MSPs as the first line of defense for small- and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) against data breaches, ransomware and other debilitating cyberattacks. In order to better protect their businesses and customers, MSPs are prioritizing vendors that can help them understand how attackers operate while providing advanced security solutions that adapt as adversaries change their tactics, techniques and procedures.

“Organizations of all sizes are experiencing the toxicity of the threat landscape, not just large enterprises, and deserve the same level of defenses. However, the effectiveness of security products at face value can be difficult to assess. The issue is not necessarily ‘what defenses are needed,’ but rather ‘how do we evaluate and determine which solutions are best for our environment.’ We believe that independent third-party tests are beneficial to the industry and the end-buyer because they provide unbiased and specific information about performance and features that clarify critical security investment decisions,” said Simon Reed, chief research and scientific officer, Sophos. “Most organizations below the Fortune 500 need help deciding on and managing their cybersecurity, and MSPs play an important role supporting these efforts. To do this, MSPs need a vendor that understands their business model and practices. Since Sophos works exclusively with the channel, we know how to best partner with MSPs, from an operational standpoint to providing scalable, innovative security products and services that can defend their customers from inevitable cyberattacks.”

Sophos Endpoint defends more than 300,000 organizations worldwide against advanced attacks with anti-ransomware, anti-exploitation, behavioral analysis, and other innovative technologies. With an extensive range of integrated capabilities, Sophos Endpoint seamlessly integrates with other Sophos products and managed security services, including Sophos Managed Detection and Response (MDR), the most widely adopted MDR offering with more than 20,000 customers

“SE Labs Annual Security Awards 2024 acknowledge industry leaders for their best-in-class products and services. Following our conversations within the community and rigorous testing, we created shortlist of exceptional companies that support their partners. We are thrilled to award Sophos Best MSP Solution, for keeping their MSP and partner community armed with innovative security solutions and intelligence that protect their customers in the ever-evolving threat landscape,” said Simon Edwards, CEO at SE Labs.

Sophos Endpoint solutions, including the flagship Intercept X, are managed in the cloud-native Sophos Central platform, which is part of the Sophos Adaptive Cybersecurity Ecosystem that collects, correlates and enriches security data with additional context to enable automatic and synchronized responses to active threats. Intercept X includes the industry-first Adaptive Attack Protection, which automatically disrupts in-progress attacks and dynamically puts “shields up” to give defenders valuable additional time to respond to an intrusion. The Account Health Check capability also identifies security posture drift and misconfigurations, and provides the ability to remediate these issues with one click.

To help further partners and MSPs with their awareness of critical industry issues, Sophos provides real-time and historical threat intelligence from its Sophos X-Ops unit, a cross-functional team of more than 500 Sophos cybersecurity experts worldwide. Sophos X-Ops' intelligence helps partners and MSPs confidently address customers’ questions and concerns about the latest ransomware, vulnerabilities and attacks circulating in the news.

The SE Labs Annual Security Awards were presented at The-C2 conference’s gala dinner in London on March 27, 2024, which brought together security leaders and practitioners from across the globe.

Informazioni su Sophos

Sophos è un leader globale e innovatore di soluzioni di sicurezza avanzate per sconfiggere gli attacchi informatici. L'azienda ha acquisito Secureworks il Febbraio 2025, unendo due pionieri che hanno ridefinito l'industria della cybersicurezza con i loro servizi, tecnologie e prodotti innovativi e ottimizzati grazie all'intelligenza artificiale nativa. Sophos è ora il più grande fornitore di servizi di Managed Detection and Response (MDR), a supporto di oltre 28.000 organizzazioni. Oltre a MDR e ad altri servizi, il portfoglio completo di Sophos comprende soluzioni leader di mercato per endpoint, network, email e cloud security che interagiscono attraverso la piattaforma Sophos Central e innalzano le barriere di sicurezza. Secureworks fornisce l'innovativa Taegis XDR/MDR, anch’essa leader di mercato, l’ identity threat detection and response (ITDR), le capacità SIEM di nuova generazione, il managed risk e un ampio set di Advisory Services. Sophos vende tutte queste soluzioni attraverso partner rivenditori, Managed Service Provider (MSP) e Managed Security Service Provider (MSSP) in tutto il mondo, difendendo oltre 600.000 organizzazioni da phishing, ransomware, furto di dati, altri crimini informatici quotidiani e state-sponsored. Le soluzioni sono alimentate dall'intelligence sulle minacce acquisita storicamente e in tempo reale di Sophos X-Ops e dal Counter Threat Unit (CTU) appena aggiunto. Sophos ha sede a Oxford, Regno Unito. Ulteriori informazioni sono disponibili su