Only Vendor Named Customers’ Choice in All Deployment Regions Worldwide – Including North America, Latin America, EMEA, and Asia Pacific

OXFORD, U.K.  — Dicembre 1, 2021 —

Sophos, a global leader in next-generation cybersecurity, today announced it has been named a Customers’ Choice in the October 2021 Gartner Peer Insights Voice of the Customer: Endpoint Protection Platforms (EPP) report. Sophos is the highest rated and most reviewed of all named vendors, earning an overall vendor rating of 4.8 out of 5 across 505 verified customer reviews as of August 31, 2021.

Sophos is the only vendor named a Customers’ Choice for EPP in all global deployment regions, including North America, Latin America, Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA), and Asia Pacific. Sophos also received a Customers’ Choice distinction in the most market segment categories covered in the report: Large Enterprise; Midsize Enterprise; Public Sector, Government, Education; Manufacturing; and Services.

“In a year marked by devastating ransomware attacks and other advanced threats, bulletproof endpoint protection has never been more critical,” said Dan Schiappa, chief product officer at Sophos. “Nearly 40 percent of organizations surveyed in Sophos’ State of Ransomware 2021 report were hit with ransomware between 2020 and 2021, with total remediation costs from these attacks averaging nearly $2 million. Sophos is committed to turning this tide by arming organizations of all sizes and across all market segments with the industry’s best endpoint protection. This customer recognition, in our opinion, is validation of our dedication to developing the best endpoint protection to defend against adversaries.”

Sophos Intercept X is the industry’s most sophisticated endpoint security solution, offering multiple layers of security for unparalleled protection against ransomware and other cyberthreats. Now with XDR, Sophos Intercept X provides a holistic view of an organization’s environment with the richest data set and deep analysis for threat detection, investigation and response. As part of the Sophos adaptive cybersecurity ecosystem, Sophos Intercept X shares real time threat intelligence with other solutions and automatically responds to threats.

The Gartner Peer Insights Customers’ Choice distinction recognizes vendors and products that are highly rated by their customers. Only vendors with at least 20 eligible reviews from end users of companies with more than $50M in revenue during the specified 18-month submission period are included.

Already this year, Sophos was named a Leader in the 2021 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for Endpoint Protection Platforms (EPP) for the 12th consecutive time.

A complimentary copy of the Gartner Peer Insights ‘Voice of the Customer’: Endpoint Protection Platforms (EPP) report is available at  

Informazioni su Sophos

Sophos, leader mondiale e innovatore nelle soluzioni di sicurezza avanzate per neutralizzare i cyberattacchi, tra cui servizi MDR (Managed Detection and Response) e incident response, mette a disposizione delle aziende un’ampia gamma di soluzioni di sicurezza per endpoint, network, email e cloud al fine di supportarle nella lotta ai cyber attacchi. In quanto uno dei principali provider di cybersecurity, Sophos protegge oltre 600.000 realtà e più di 100 milioni di utenti a livello globale da potenziali minacce, ransomware, phishing, malware e altro. I servizi e le soluzioni di Sophos vengono gestiti attraverso la console Sophos Central, basata su cloud, e si incentra su Sophos X-Ops, l'unità di threat intelligence cross-domain dell'azienda. Sophos X-Ops ottimizza l’intero ecosistema adattivo di cybersecurity di Sophos, che include un data lake centralizzato, che si avvale di una ricca serie di API aperti, resi disponibili ai clienti, ai partner, agli sviluppatori e ad altri fornitori di cyber security e information technology. Sophos fornisce cybersecurity as a service alle aziende che necessitano di soluzioni chiavi in mano interamente gestite. I clienti possono scegliere di gestire la propria cybersecurity direttamente con la piattaforma di Sophos per le operazioni di sicurezza o di adottare un approccio ibrido, integrando i propri servizi con quelli di Sophos, come il threat hunting e la remediation. Sophos distribuisce i propri prodotti attraverso partner e fornitori di servizi gestiti (MSP) in tutto il mondo. Sophos ha sede a Oxford, nel Regno Unito. Ulteriori informazioni sono disponibili su