Only 26% of Surveyed Organizations Stopped Cybercriminals from Encrypting Their Data in a Ransomware Attack

This Is the Lowest Rate of Disruption in 3 Years   

Recovery Costs Are Four Times Higher for Those That Pay the Ransom

OXFORD, U.K. — novembre 7, 2023 —

Sophos, a global leader in innovating and delivering cybersecurity as a service, today shared findings from its sector survey report, “The State of Ransomware in Retail 2023,” which found that only 26% of retail organizations this past year were able to disrupt a ransomware attack before their data was encrypted. This is a three-year low for the sector—a decline from 34% in 2021 and 28% in 2022—suggesting the sector is increasingly unable to halt ransomware attacks already in progress. 

"Retailers are losing ground in the battle against ransomware. Ransomware criminals have been encrypting increasingly greater percentages of their retail victims in the last 3 years, as evidenced by the steadily declining rate of retailers stopping cybercriminal attacks in progress. Retailers must up their defensive game by setting up security that detects and responds to intrusions earlier in the attack chain,” said Chester Wisniewski, director, global field CTO, Sophos.

In addition, the report found that, for those retail organizations that paid the ransom, their median recovery costs (not including the ransom payment) were four times the recovery costs of those that used backups to recover their data ($3,000,000 versus $750,000). 

“Forty-three percent of retail victims paid the ransom according to our survey respondents, yet the median recovery cost to victims who paid the ransom was four times the cost to those who used backups and other recovery methods. There are no shortcuts in these situations and rebuilding systems is almost always required. It's better to deprive the criminals of their spoils and build back better,” said Wisniewski. 

Additional key findings from the report include:

  • In line with a broader, cross-sector trend, the retail sector experienced its highest rate of encryption over the past three years, with 71% of those organizations targeted by ransomware stating that attackers successfully encrypted their data
  • The percentage of retail organizations attacked by ransomware declined from 77% last year to 69% this year
  • The percentage of retail organizations that recovered in less than a day decreased from 15% to 9% this year, while the percentage of retail organizations that took more than a month to recover increased from 17% to 21%

Sophos recommends the following best practices to help defend against ransomware and other cyberattacks:

  • Strengthen defensive shields with: 
    • Security tools that defend against the most common attack vectors, including endpoint protection with strong anti-ransomware and anti-exploit capabilities 
    • Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) to thwart the abuse of compromised credentials 
    • Adaptive technologies that respond automatically to attacks, disrupting adversaries and buying defenders time to respond 
    • 24/7 threat detection, investigation and response, whether delivered in-house or by a specialized Managed Detection and Response (MDR) provider 
  • Optimize attack preparation, including regularly backing up, practicing recovering data from backups and maintaining an up-to-date incident response plan 
  • Maintain security hygiene, including timely patching and regularly reviewing security tool configurations

To learn more about the State of Ransomware in Retail 2023, download the full report from

The State of Ransomware 2023 survey polled 3,000 IT/cybersecurity leaders in organizations with between 100 and 5,000 employees, including 355 from the retail sector, across 14 countries in the Americas, EMEA and Asia Pacific.

À propos de Sophos

Sophos est un leader mondial et un innovateur dans le domaine des solutions de sécurité avancées pour surmonter les cyberattaques. Sophos offre des services managés de détection et réponse (MDR) et de réponse aux incidents, ainsi qu’un vaste portefeuille de technologies de sécurité qui protègent les systèmes endpoint, les réseaux, les messageries et le Cloud. Sophos est l’un des plus grands fournisseurs de cybersécurité et protège aujourd’hui plus de 600 000 entreprises et plus de 100 millions d’utilisateurs dans le monde contre les adversaires actifs, les ransomwares, le phishing, les malwares, etc. Les services et produits de Sophos sont connectés à travers sa console d’administration Sophos Central et sont optimisés par Sophos X-Ops, l’unité de renseignement sur les menaces transversales de la société. La technologie Sophos X-Ops optimise l’ensemble de l’écosystème de cybersécurité adaptatif (ACE) de Sophos, qui comprend un data lake centralisé exploitant un riche ensemble d’API ouvertes disponibles pour les clients, les partenaires, les développeurs et d’autres fournisseurs de cybersécurité et de technologies de l’information. Sophos fournit des services de cybersécurité aux entreprises qui ont besoin de solutions de sécurité entièrement managées. Les clients peuvent également gérer leur cybersécurité directement avec la plateforme d’opérations de sécurité de Sophos ou utiliser une approche hybride en complétant leurs équipes internes avec les services de Sophos, notamment la chasse aux menaces et la remédiation. Sophos vend ses produits par l’intermédiaire d’un réseau mondial de partenaires et de fournisseurs de services managés (MSP : Managed Service Provider). Le siège de l’entreprise est basé à Oxford, au Royaume-Uni. Plus d’informations sont disponibles sur