Sophos Achieved a 4.8/5.0 Rating for Both Categories and Rated as a Customers’ Choice for all Available Segments Within the Reports

OXFORD, U.K. — Julio 25, 2024 —

Sophos, a global leader of innovative security solutions for defeating cyberattacks, today announced it has been named Customers’ Choice in the Gartner®Peer Insights™ Voice of the Customer for Endpoint Protection Platforms (EPP) and Network Firewalls reports. This achievement includes 4.8/5.0 scoring ratings in both categories. Sophos is also rated a Customers’ Choice for all available segments within the two reports.

“Winning one Gartner Customers’ Choice is a great achievement, but winning two in crucial interrelated categories is incredible and a strong reflection of our relentless focus to deliver optimal security outcomes for our customers,”said Rob Harrison,senior vice president, Product Management – SecOps and Endpoint Security. “Endpoint protection that works seamlessly with network security is a winning formula to defend against today’s innovative and persistent adversaries who are consistently devising new techniques to carry out ransomware and other potentially business-ending cyberattacks. This synergy enhances threat detection, reduces response times, and simplifies management, ultimately fortifying organizations against complex cyber threats that require proactive prevention and automated interventions at multiple points on the attack chain.”

Sophos Intercept X customer quotes from the endpoint protection platforms report include:

  • “Sophos endpoint provides the most robust anti ransomware protection in the industry, ”IT manager in the manufacturing industry.
  • “Sophos endpoint protection combines multiple prevention techniques to reduce the attack, ”IT manager in the education industry.
  • “Intercept X provides us protection against various cyber threats using its combination of signature-based, behavioral and machine learning methods enduring protection against malware, ransomware and other malicious activities, ”network and security engineer in the manufacturing industry.
  • “It's a great experience to work with Sophos Intercept X due to its robustness and unparalleled capability against any exploits and ransomware. It is truly amazing that this product works seamlessly while handling any threats at the system end, ”manager in the media industry.

Sophos Firewall customer quotes from the network firewall report include:

A complimentary copy of the Gartner Peer Insights Voice of the Customer: Endpoint Protection Platforms report is available here.

A complimentary copy of the Gartner Peer Insights Voice of the Customer: Network Firewalls report is available here.


Acerca de Sophos

Sophos es una empresa innovadora y líder global de soluciones de seguridad avanzadas para combatir los ciberataques, entre las que se incluyen servicios de detección y respuesta gestionadas (MDR) y de respuesta a incidentes y un amplio catálogo de tecnologías para la protección de endpoints, redes, el correo electrónico y la nube. Como uno de los mayores proveedores especializados en ciberseguridad, Sophos protege a más de 600 000 organizaciones y a más de 100 millones de usuarios de todo el mundo frente a adversarios activos, ransomware, phishing, malware y mucho más. Los servicios y productos de Sophos se conectan a través de la consola de administración de Sophos Central y utilizan Sophos X-Ops, la unidad de información sobre amenazas multidominio de la empresa. La información de Sophos X-Ops optimiza todo el Sophos Adaptive Cybersecurity Ecosystem, que incluye un lago de datos centralizado que se sirve de un completo conjunto de API abiertas disponibles para clientes, partners, desarrolladores y otros proveedores de ciberseguridad y de tecnología de la información. Para las organizaciones que necesitan soluciones de seguridad totalmente gestionadas, Sophos ofrece la ciberseguridad como servicio. Aunque los clientes también pueden gestionar su ciberseguridad directamente mediante la plataforma de operaciones de seguridad de Sophos o utilizar un enfoque híbrido reforzando sus equipos internos con los servicios de Sophos, que incluyen la búsqueda y remediación de amenazas. Sophos vende a través de partners distribuidores y proveedores de servicios gestionados (MSP) en todo el mundo. Sophos tiene su sede en Oxford, Reino Unido. Encontrará más información en