OXFORD, U.K. — Mai 14, 2024 —

Sophos, a global leader of innovative cybersecurity solutions that defeat cyberattacks, today announced that its Incident Response service has been awarded U.K.’s National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) Cyber Incident Response (CIR) Level 2 status by CREST. This assurance confirms that amid the sophisticated cybersecurity threat landscape, Sophos has the experience and capabilities to deal with incidents caused by financially motivated criminals, such as business email compromise (BEC) attacks and ransomware.

Part of the U.K.’s intelligence and cyber agency, Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ), the NCSC provides support to the public and private sector to tackle and minimize the impact of security threats.CIR Level 2 accredited organizations must have the capability to support cyber incident response for most private sector organizations, including smaller public sector organizations, charities, local authorities, and organizations that predominantly operate in the U.K.

“The threat landscape is constantly shifting, and cybercriminals are continually refining their tactics and tools to inflict damage. In our latest 2024 Threat Report, we uncovered that the number of ransomware attacks that involved remote encryption increased by 62% in the last year, making it increasingly challenging for defenders to keep organizations safe.

“This accreditation is a real testament to Sophos’ Incident Response work fighting adversaries who are responsible for ransomware, malware, exploits, phishing and a wide range of other sophisticated cyberthreats to rescue organizations in the heat of active attack recover faster,” said Peter Mackenzie, Director of Incident Response, Sophos.

“As a delivery partner for the NCSC’s Cyber Incident Response (Level 2) scheme, we are delighted to congratulate Sophos for gaining Assured Service Provider status,” said Rowland Johnson, president of CREST. “This means Sophos has been assessed as capable of supporting most organizations with common cyberattacks, such as ransomware. It provides valuable assurance to buyers of the high quality of Sophos' incident response services.”

Gerard Allison, senior vice president of Europe, Middle East and Africa, Sophos added: “Achieving the Level 2 Certified Incident Response (CIR) certification is a major milestone for Sophos and its channel partners. Sophos is unique as it provides its partners and MSPs with real-time and historical data insights, information and understanding of attacker behaviors from its Sophos X-Ops unit, with this knowledge then built into our product portfolio, from Managed Detection and Response (MDR) to Sophos Central and Intercept X. This insight and visibility means that all of security products and services are integrating and sharing intelligence, creating strong defenses for our customers.”

Sophos Incident Response is available for any organization under active attack, by calling the response lines listed below, or prepare in advance by using the Incident Response retainer.For more information, read IR’s April 2024 Active Adversary Report and go to Sophos.com.

Experiencing an active incident and are interested in the Rapid Response service? Call your regional number below at any time to speak with one of our Incident Advisors.

Australia: +61 272084454
Austria: +43 73265575520
Canada: +1 7785897255
France: +33 186539880
Germany: +49 61171186766
Italy: +39 0294752897
Netherlands: +31 162708600
Spain: +34 913758065
Sweden: +46 858400610
Switzerland: +41 445152286
United Kingdom: +44 1235635329
USA: +1 4087461064

Über Sophos

Sophos ist ein weltweit führender Anbieter von modernsten Sicherheitslösungen zur Abwehr von Cyberangriffen, einschließlich Managed Detection and Response (MDR) und Incident Response Services sowie einem breiten Portfolio an Endpoint-, Netzwerk-, E-Mail- und Cloud-Security-Technologien. Als einer der größten ausschließlich auf Cybersicherheit spezialisierten Anbieter schützt Sophos weltweit mehr als 600.000 Unternehmen und Organisationen und mehr als 100 Mio. Benutzer vor aktiven Angreifern, Ransomware, Phishing, Malware und mehr. Die Services und Produkte von Sophos sind über die Management-Konsole Sophos Central miteinander verbunden und werden vom bereichsübergreifenden Threat-Intelligence-Expertenteam Sophos X-Ops unterstützt. Die Sophos X-Ops Intelligence optimiert das gesamte Sophos Adaptive Cybersecurity Ecosystem. Dieses Ökosystem umfasst einen zentralen Data Lake, der eine Vielzahl offener APIs nutzt, die Kunden, Partnern, Entwicklern und anderen Cybersecurity- und Informationstechnologie-Anbietern zur Verfügung stehen. Sophos bietet Cybersecurity-as-a-Service für Unternehmen und Organisationen an, die vollständig verwaltete Sicherheitslösungen benötigen. Kunden können ihre Cybersicherheit auch direkt mit der Sophos Security-Operations-Plattform verwalten oder einen hybriden Ansatz nutzen, bei dem sie ihre internen Teams mit Sophos-Services ergänzen, einschließlich Threat Hunting und Maßnahmen zur Beseitigung von Bedrohungen. Sophos vertreibt seine Produkte und Services über ein weltweites Netzwerk von Vertriebspartnern und Managed Service Providern (MSPs). Sophos hat seinen Hauptsitz im britischen Oxford. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter www.sophos.de.